Excerpt from "Gardening without Irrigation"


I'm from Michigan. I moved to Oregon in April, and made a home on 5 acres.  At the time, I thought this land was a cool, showery green valley of liquid sunshine and rainbows. I planned to grow a big garden and grow as much of my own food as possible.

Two months later, in June—just as my garden began needing water—my so-called 15-gallon-per-minute well began to falter, yielding less and less with each passing week. By August it delivered about 3 gallons per minute.

So, without enough water, I decided that food self-sufficiency on my land was not possible. In late September of that first year, I could still only run a single sprinkler. What a relief not to have invested every last cent in land that couldn't feed us.

Without regular and heavy watering during high summer, many of my vegetables become stunted in a matter of days. Even my raised-bed garden came close to that several times. Before my frantic efforts got the water flowing again, I could feel the stressed-out garden screaming like a hungry baby.

As I came to understand our climate, I began to wonder about complete food self-sufficiency. How did the early pioneers irrigate their vegetables?  Hand pumping into hand-carried buckets is impractical and extremely tedious. Wind-powered pumps are expensive and have severe limits.

The combination of rainless summers, the realities of self-sufficient living, and my land's poor well turned out to be an opportunity. I continued wondering about gardens and water, and set out to discover a method for growing a lush, productive vegetable garden on deep soil in a very dry climate…



Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     What above passage can best be described as which of the following?

a.      fantasy

b.      infographic

c.      autobiographical

d.      advertisement


2)     In the 1st paragraph of the above passage, the phrase “this land was a cool, showery green valley of liquid sunshine and rainbows” can best be described as which of the following?

a.      understatement

b.      metaphor

c.      simile

d.      alliteration


3)     Based on the above passage, which of the following types of irrigation is the most limiting?

a.      15-gallon-per-minute well

b.      3-gallon-per-minute well

c.      hand pumping

d.      wind-powered


4)     The above passage features an author that shows “perseverance.”  Which word means the same as “perseverance”?

a.      weakness

b.      determination

c.      pessimism

d.      insanity


5)     The above passage includes the phrase:  “…stressed-out garden screaming like a hungry baby...”  This is an example of which two figures of speech?

a.      simile & personification

b.      metaphor & alliteration

c.      idiom & personification

d.      euphemism & metaphor


6)     In the 3rd paragraph of the above passage, the author refers to “food self-sufficiency.”  What is the meaning of “self-sufficiency” in this context?

a.      deprived

b.      reliant

c.      independent

d.      lacking



Answer Key

1)     What above passage can best be described as which of the following?

a.      fantasy

b.      infographic

c.      autobiographical

d.      advertisement


2)     In the 1st paragraph of the above passage, the phrase “this land was a cool, showery green valley of liquid sunshine and rainbows” can best be described as which of the following?

a.      understatement

b.     metaphor

c.      simile

d.      alliteration


3)     Based on the above passage, which of the following types of irrigation is the most limiting?

a.      15-gallon-per-minute well

b.      3-gallon-per-minute well

c.      hand pumping

d.      wind-powered


4)     The above passage features an author that shows “perseverance.”  Which word means the same as “perseverance”?

a.      weakness

b.     determination

c.      pessimism

d.      insanity


5)     The above passage includes the phrase:  “…stressed-out garden screaming like a hungry baby...”  This is an example of which two figures of speech?

a.      simile & personification

b.      metaphor & alliteration

c.      idiom & personification

d.      euphemism & metaphor


6)     In the 3rd paragraph of the above passage, the author refers to “food self-sufficiency.”  What is the meaning of “self-sufficiency” in this context?

a.      deprived

b.      reliant

c.      independent

d.      lacking