Excerpt from "How to Observe in Archaeology"


The value of artifacts and antiquities—apart from their purely artistic value—lies in how they are found. The amateur archaeologist is apt to carelessly pick up a number of objects, without accurately noting where they were found.  Then, getting tired of them like a child does with flowers that he has picked, he discards them a mile or two away.

If the first act is a blunder, the second is a crime.  It is better to leave objects lying in place. For the same reason, it is best if objects found together can stay together (e.g. the contents of a tomb).  Nothing is more common, or more distressing, than the division of a hoard of coins among various persons before they have been examined by an expert. If they must be divided, good impressions should be made and the weights noted. This should be done even if the coins, to the inexperienced eye, appear to be all alike.


Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     What was the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

a.      to give a brief history of archaeology

b.      to explain how to plan an excavation

c.      to increase the popularity of archaeology

d.      to promote better work habits in archaeology


2)     In the above passage, the author's tone when discussing amateur archaeologists is which of the following?

a.      sympathetic

b.      delighted

c.      disgusted

d.      excited


3)     The author of the above passage would give which advice to an archaeologist who has just found new artifacts?

a.      "Go back and review all artifacts that were recently found at the same location."

b.      "Precisely record the details of 04new artifacts and where they were found"

c.      "To prevent accidents, move the artifacts to storage as quickly as possible."

d.      "Immediately secure the area so that it is not raided by amateur archaeologists."


4)     Which of the following phrases in the above passage is an example of a simile?

a.      “It is better to leave objects lying in place.”

b.      “If the first act is a blunder, the second is a crime.”

c.      “The amateur archaeologist is apt to carelessly pick up a number of objects…”

d.      “…getting tired of them like a child does with flowers that he has picked…”


5)     At the start of the 2nd paragraph in the above passage, the author states:  "the first act is a blunder, the second is a crime." 

In this context, which of the following would be a "crime"?

a.      searching for artifacts without permission

b.      carelessly collecting artifacts without keeping records

c.      hastily discarding artifacts after they have been found

d.      selling artifacts in order to make a quick profit


6)     Which of the following is most likely the best description of the author of the above passage?

a.      a professional archaeologist with lots of experience

b.      a beginning archaeologist who wants to promote the hobby

c.      a museum owner who wants to do business with archaeologists

d.      a land owner who wants to stop archaeological projects


Answer Key

1)     What was the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

a.      to give a brief history of archaeology

b.      to explain how to plan an excavation

c.      to increase the popularity of archaeology

d.     to promote better work habits in archaeology


2)     In the above passage, the author's tone when discussing amateur archaeologists is which of the following?

a.      sympathetic

b.      delighted

c.      disgusted

d.      excited


3)     The author of the above passage would give which advice to an archaeologist who has just found new artifacts?

a.      "Go back and review all artifacts that were recently found at the same location."

b.      "Precisely record the details of new artifacts and where they were found"

c.      "To prevent accidents, move the artifacts to storage as quickly as possible."

d.      "Immediately secure the area so that it is not raided by amateur archaeologists."


4)     Which of the following phrases in the above passage is an example of a simile?

a.      “It is better to leave objects lying in place.”

b.      “If the first act is a blunder, the second is a crime.”

c.      “The amateur archaeologist is apt to carelessly pick up a number of objects…”

d.      “…getting tired of them like a child does with flowers that he has picked…”


5)     At the start of the 2nd paragraph in the above passage, the author states:  "the first act is a blunder, the second is a crime." 

In this context, which of the following would be a "crime"?

a.      searching for artifacts without permission

b.      carelessly collecting artifacts without keeping records

c.      hastily discarding artifacts after they have been found

d.      selling artifacts in order to make a quick profit


6)     Which of the following is most likely the best description of the author of the above passage?

a.      a professional archaeologist with lots of experience

b.      a beginning archaeologist who wants to promote the hobby

c.      a museum owner who wants to do business with archaeologists

d.      a land owner who wants to stop archaeological projects