Picture from Shepp's Photographs of the World

Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     What is the best clue that this picture was taken 100 years ago?

a.      the number of people

b.      the size of the buildings

c.      the type of vehicles

d.      the width of the road


2)     What is the setting of this picture?

a.      an open farmland

b.      a crowded town center

c.      a dense forest

d.      a friendly neighborhood


3)     This picture would most likely be seen in which type of book?

a.      a book of fairy tales

b.      a history book

c.      a science textbook

d.      a recipe book


Answer Key

1)     What is the best clue that this picture was taken 100 years ago?

a.      the number of people

b.      the size of the buildings

c.      the type of vehicles

d.      the width of the road


2)     What is the setting of this picture?

a.      an open farmland

b.     a crowded town center

c.      a dense forest

d.      a friendly neighborhood


3)     This picture would most likely be seen in which type of book?

a.      a book of fairy tales

b.     a history book

c.      a science textbook

d.      a recipe book