Picture  from Shepp's Photographs of the World


Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     The main character of a story spends a lot of time in this room.  Who is most likely the character?

a.      a prince

b.      a farmer

c.      a coal miner

d.      an animal


2)     What is a common theme of the items in the pictured room?

a.      cheap

b.      simple

c.      casual

d.      fancy


3)     Which scene from a story would most likely take place in the pictured room?

a.      a young boy and his friends have a water balloon fight

b.      the richest men in the city hold a secret club meeting

c.      a circus trainer gets his animals ready for the big show

d.      a woman spends hours cooking a meal for her family


Answer Key

1)     The main character of a story spends a lot of time in this room.  Who is most likely the character?

a.      a prince

b.      a farmer

c.      a coal miner

d.      an animal


2)     What is a common theme of the items in the pictured room?

a.      cheap

b.      simple

c.      casual

d.     fancy


3)     Which scene from a story would most likely take place in the pictured room?

a.      a young boy and his friends have a water balloon fight

b.     the richest men in the city hold a secret club meeting

c.      a circus trainer gets his animals ready for the big show

d.      a woman spends hours cooking a meal for her family