Manifest Destiny............ .... 118

Manning,  Richard......... .... 197

Manning, Richard.......... .... 193

Maps, South Carolina ….     4, 5

March to the Sea............. .... 142

Marion, Francis.... ……...... 68, 69, 70, 262

McCain, Edwin............... .... 268

McDowell, Andie........... .... 268

McNair, Ronald.............. .... 269

Medal of Honor.............. .... 201

Mercantilism………............ 39

Middleton, Arthur…..... .... 55, 264

Middleton, Henry.......... .... 54

Middleton, Henry II........... 55

Migration…………….... .... 13, 114, 186, 202, 223

Militia troops.................. .... 68, 70

Mills, Robert................... .... 269

Missouri Compromise ...     116

Modern Times............... .... Chapter 8

Moonshining.................. .... 195

Morgan, Daniel.............. .... 71, 75

Motte, Rebecca............... .... 78

Moultrie, William.......... .... 60

Moultrie's Flag............... .... 61, 62

Myrtle Beach………............ 88


NASCAR......................... .... 234

Namesake (SC)............ ....... 28

Native Americans...... .... 21, 24, 25, 34, 74, 256, 257

New Deal...........................    211, 260

New Orleans, Battle........... 101

Ninety Six..... ....................... 36, 37, 60, 76

No Child Left Behind......... 233

North Carolina border....    33

North Charleston........... .... 13

Nuclear weapons........... .... 238

Nullification Crisis.... ........ 92, 110, 258



Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     Shown above is which of these?

a.      appendix

b.      table of contents

c.      glossary

d.      index


2)     A reader would use a page like the one shown above for which purpose?

a.      to see which topics are of most interest to the author

b.      to quickly find where a topic is located in the book

c.      to see the definition for topics within the book

d.      to see how many times a word appears in a book


3)     On the above list, why are the words “Modern Times” in bold?

a.      it’s the main idea of the book

b.      it’s the title of the book

c.      it’s a chapter in the book

d.      it’s the publisher of the book


4)     Which page would you most likely find a map?

a.      page 5

b.      page 39

c.      page 55

a.      page 238


5)     Based on the items listed, this book is most likely focuses on which of the following?

a.      science fiction

b.      fairy tales

c.      history

d.      travel


6)     On the above list, why does “Migration” have the most numbers beside it?

a.      "Migration" is mentioned on the most pages

b.      "Migration" is discussed in the most chapters

c.      "Migration" is the main idea of the book

d.      "Migration" is the title of the book




Answer Key

1)     Shown above is which of these?

a.      appendix

b.      table of contents

c.      glossary

d.     index


2)     A reader would use a page like the one shown above for which purpose?

a.      to see which topics are of most interest to the author

b.     to quickly find where a topic is located in the book

c.      to see the definition for topics within the book

d.      to see how many times a word appears in a book


3)     On the above list, why are the words “Modern Times” in bold?

a.      it’s the main idea of the book

b.      it’s the title of the book

c.      it’s a chapter in the book

d.      it’s the publisher of the book


4)     Which page would you most likely find a map?

a.      page 5

b.      page 39

c.      page 55

d.      page 238


5)     Based on the items listed, this book is most likely focuses on which of the following?

a.      science fiction

b.      fairy tales

c.      history

d.      travel


6)     On the above list, why does “Migration” have the most numbers beside it?

a.      "Migration" is mentioned on the most pages

b.      "Migration" is discussed in the most chapters

c.      "Migration" is the main idea of the book

d.      "Migration" is the title of the book