
Getting from point 'A' to point 'B' is a piece of cake in this day and age.  You've got your planes, trains, and automobiles.  If you're not in a hurry, you can take a cruise ship or a sailboat.  There's not a single corner of the earth that is beyond our reach—and usually we can get there in just a few days.

Even if you aren't trying to journey to far reaches of the globe, you still need to travel around your hometown.  Many major cities use subway lines, trains and trolleys, or some form of mass transit.  In the smallest towns there are roads, crosswalks, stoplights, signs, and sidewalks to get people to where they want to go.

These major systems—which have taken years to put in place and are often overlooked—are the key to moving people and things throughout the world.


Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     In the above passage, the author would agree with which of the following statements?

a.      “A trolley is the fastest way to travel around a small town.”

b.      “Most small towns use some sort of mass transit.”

c.      “Trains or subway systems can be found in many large cities.”

d.      “Some places on earth are beyond reach by modern transportation.”


2)     The 2nd paragraph of the above passage talks about “mass transit.”  In the context, the word “mass” is referring to which of these?

a.      something that is expensive

b.      a large number of people

c.      an object that is heavy

d.      a fast-moving train


3)     According to the 2nd paragraph of the above passage, which of these would most likely be found in a town with less than 100 people?

a.      a subway

b.      a mass transit

c.      a trolley

d.      a sidewalk


4)     In the first sentence of the above passage, the phrase “Getting from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’” could easily be replaced by which these?

a.      “Making a lot of progress…”

b.      “Moving from place to place…”

c.      “Using modern technology…”

d.      “Learning to read and spell…”


5)     In the first sentence of the above passage, the author uses the phrase, “a piece of cake,” to say that travelling is which of these?

a.      stylish

b.      effortless

c.      satisfying

d.      addictive


Answer Key

1)     In the above passage, the author would agree with which of the following statements?

a.      “A trolley is the fastest way to travel around a small town.”

b.      “Most small towns use some sort of mass transit.”

c.      “Trains or subway systems can be found in many large cities.”

d.      “Some places on earth are beyond reach by modern transportation.”


2)     The 2nd paragraph of the above passage talks about “mass transit.”  In the context, the word “mass” is referring to which of these?

a.      something that is expensive

b.     a large number of people

c.      an object that is heavy

d.      a fast-moving train


3)     According to the 2nd paragraph of the above passage, which of these would most likely be found in a town with less than 100 people?

a.      a subway

b.      a mass transit

c.      a trolley

d.     a sidewalk


4)     In the first sentence of the above passage, the phrase “Getting from point ‘A’ to point ‘B’” could easily be replaced by which these?

a.      “Making a lot of progress…”

b.     “Moving from place to place…”

c.      “Using modern technology…”

d.      “Learning to read and spell…”


5)     In the first sentence of the above passage, the author uses the phrase, “a piece of cake,” to say that travelling is which of these?

a.      stylish

b.     effortless

c.      satisfying

d.      addictive