
It might come as a surprise, but soap hasn't been around that long.  The Ancient Romans didn't use it.  They took baths, but they could only get as clean as the water itself.

It's not really clear who were the first people to use soap.  About 2,000 years ago, certain groups in Europe used a "soap-like" mixture to make their hair shiny.  Of course, that didn't do much for the rest of their body.

As time went on, different versions of soap began to pop-up in different parts of the world.  Just a few hundred years ago—in the 1600s—the modern recipe for soap was invented.  This was similar to the soap we use now.

Not surprisingly, it caught on pretty quickly.  It turns out that people were looking for something to keep them from smelling like a pig!



Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     What was the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

a.      to promote the benefits washing your hair

b.      to provide a recipe for making soap

c.      to list some of the accomplishments of ancient Romans

d.      to give a short history of soap


2)     According to the above passage, the first type of soap was most like which of these?

a.      toothpaste

b.      deodorant

c.      shampoo

d.      makeup


3)     The passage above was written during which time period?

a.      ancient times

b.      about 2,000 years ago

c.      several hundred years ago

d.      present day


4)     In the above passage, which of these statements includes a simile?

a.      “it caught on pretty quickly”

b.      “to keep them from smelling like a pig”

c.      “used a 'soap-like' mixture”

d.      “It might come as a surprise”


5)     The above passage can best be described as which these?

a.      a biography

b.      a instruction manual

c.      an advertisement

d.      a short essay



Answer Key

1)     What was the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

a.      to promote the benefits washing your hair

b.      to provide a recipe for making soap

c.      to list some of the accomplishments of ancient Romans

d.     to give a short history of soap


2)     According to the above passage, the first type of soap was most like which of these?

a.      toothpaste

b.      deodorant

c.      shampoo

d.      makeup


3)     The passage above was written during which time period?

a.      ancient times

b.      about 2,000 years ago

c.      several hundred years ago

d.     present day


4)     In the above passage, which of these statements includes a simile?

a.      “it caught on pretty quickly”

b.     “to keep them from smelling like a pig”

c.      “used a 'soap-like' mixture”

d.      “It might come as a surprise”


5)     The above passage can best be described as which these?

a.      a biography

b.      a instruction manual

c.      an advertisement

d.     a short essay