

1.       Come to class on time.

2.       Begin the warm up activity within one minute after the tardy bell.

3.       Take care of personal needs before coming to class.

4.       Remain in your assigned seat unless you have permission to get up.

5.       Do not eat candy or other food in class.

6.       Bring required materials every day unless you are otherwise directed.

7.       Talk only when permitted.

8.       Use polite speech and body language.

9.       Do not cheat.

10.  Follow the teacher's directions immediately.




Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     Where might you see the above posted?

a.      in a classroom

b.      in a doctor's office

c.      in the lunch room

d.      in the gymnasium


2)     Based on the above list, which of the following is okay to do according to the rules?

a.      chew gum and candy during class

b.      raise hand while teachers talking

c.      ask to use the restroom during class

d.      talk freely during class


3)     What is the purpose of the above passage?

a.      to explain what is expected of volunteers

b.      to explain what is expected of parents

c.      to explain what is expected of teachers

d.      to explain what is expected of students


4)     On the above list, a girl would be breaking Rule #8 if she is doing what?

a.      walking into class a few minutes late

b.      crossing her arms and pouting

c.      refusing to do the warm-up activity

d.      eating a snack during class


5)     Which of the following describes the author’s mood for the above passage?

a.      relaxed

b.      firm

c.      carefree

d.      calm


Answer Key

1)     Where might you see the above posted?

a.      in a classroom

b.      in a doctor's office

c.      in the lunch room

d.      in the gymnasium


2)     Based on the above list, which of the following is okay to do according to the rules?

a.      chew gum and candy during class

b.     raise hand while teachers talking

c.      ask to use the restroom during class

d.      talk freely during class


3)     What is the purpose of the above passage?

a.      to explain what is expected of volunteers

b.      to explain what is expected of parents

c.      to explain what is expected of teachers

d.     to explain what is expected of students


4)     On the above list, a girl would be breaking Rule #8 if she is doing what?

a.      walking into class a few minutes late

b.     crossing her arms and pouting

c.      refusing to do the warm-up activity

d.      eating a snack during class


5)     Which of the following describes the author’s mood for the above passage?

a.      relaxed

b.     firm

c.      carefree

d.      calm