Two Astronomers


Astronomer #1:  I think it’s time that we send an astronaut to the sun.


Astronomer #2:  But won’t it be too hot to land on the sun?


Astronomer #1:  I’ve already thought of that. We’ll just go at night.




Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     The above passage is which of these?

a.      a fairy tail

b.      a joke

c.      an advertisement

d.      an article


2)     What type of format is the above passage?

a.      speech

b.      dialogue

c.      sign language

d.      essay


3)     What is the tone of the passage?

a.      creepy

b.      amusing

c.      grumpy

d.      angry


4)     What is the author's purpose in this passage?

a.      to entertain

b.      to inform

c.      to describe

d.      to persuade


5)     To get the humor in the passage, the reader must know which of these?

a.      the names of the astronauts

b.      basic facts about the sun

c.      the type of space craft

d.      the place where they plan to launch




Answer Key

1)     The above passage is which of these?

a.      a fairy tail

b.     a joke

c.      an advertisement

d.      an article


2)     What type of format is the above passage?

a.      speech

b.     dialogue

c.      sign language

d.      essay


3)     What is the tone of the passage?

a.      creepy

b.     amusing

c.      grumpy

d.      angry


4)     What is the author's purpose in this passage?

a.      to entertain

b.      to inform

c.      to describe

d.      to persuade


5)     To grasp the humor in the passage, the reader must know which of these?

a.      the names of the astronauts

b.     basic facts about the sun

c.      the type of space craft

d.      the place where they plan to launch