
It gets cold in Massachusetts during the winter.  That’s why— back in 1891—a gym teacher named Dr. James Naismith was having so much trouble keeping his class active on a nasty day.  It was too cold to go outside, so he needed an indoor game that demanded a high level of fitness. 

Most of the ideas Dr. Naismith considered were too rough or needed too much space, and they wouldn’t work in a small gym.  That’s when he invented basketball.

Dr. Naismith came up with a few rules and hung a peach basket ten feet in the air.  Players were divided into teams and tried to get a ball into the peach basket.  At first, the basket still had its bottom, so someone had to climb up to get the ball every time someone made a shot.  The peach baskets were used for fifteen years before they were replaced by metal hoops with nets and backboards.

Dr. Naismith called his new game "Basket Ball.”  The first game was played in a YMCA gym with nine players on each side (which certainly resulted in a crowded court).  The game ended with a score of 1 to 0, with the only shot was made from about half court.  

Today, basketball is one of the most popular sports in the entire world.  Many new rules and changes have been made, but the foundation of the game can still be seen in Dr. Naismith’s original rules.


Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     Which of the following phrases best represents the main idea of the passage?

a.      Basketball hoops are ten feet from the ground and made of metal.

b.      Basketball was invented  by Dr. Naismith as an indoor fitness activity.

c.      The first basketball players were not very skilled, but worked hard.

d.      Basketball is one of the most popular sports today across the world.


2)     Based on the passage above, which of the following has changed since basketball was invented in 1891?

a.      the goal of getting a ball in the basket

b.      the number of players on the court

c.      the hardwood gym where it is played

d.      the fitness level needed to compete


3)     According to the passage above, which of the following was used for the basket for almost fifteen years?

a.      a steel hoop and backboard

b.      an orange basket

c.      a peach basket

d.      a metal barrel


4)     Using the contextual clues in the above passage, what is the meaning of the word “invented”?

a.      copied

b.      created

c.      rules

d.      thoughts


5)     The above passage would most likely be seen in which type of work?

a.      an advertisement

b.      a folk tale

c.      a biography

d.      an autobiography


Answer Key

1)     Which of the following phrases best represents the main idea of the passage?

a.      Basketball hoops are ten feet from the ground and made of metal.

b.     Basketball was invented  by Dr. Naismith as an indoor fitness activity.

c.      The first basketball players were not very skilled, but worked hard.

d.      Basketball is one of the most popular sports today across the world.


2)     Based on the passage above, which of the following has changed since basketball was invented in 1891?

a.      the goal of getting a ball in the basket

b.     the number of players on the court

c.      the hardwood gym where it is played

d.      the fitness level needed to compete


3)     According to the passage above, which of the following was used for the basket for almost fifteen years?

a.      a steel hoop and backboard

b.      an orange basket

c.      a peach basket

d.      a metal barrel


4)     Using the contextual clues in the above passage, what is the meaning of the word “invented”?

a.      copied

b.     created

c.      rules

d.      thoughts


5)     The above passage would most likely be seen in which type of work?

a.      an advertisement

b.      a folk tale

c.      a biography

d.      an autobiography