The Visitor


I was lying on the floor in my favorite spot.  That’s when the doorbell rang.  Ding-dong!


I sprang to my feet and ran as fast as lightning.  I growled at the unopened door, just in case a stranger was to walk in. 


Shhh…” said Mr. Brown.  “It’s okay.  It’s just a knock at the door.”  He patted my head as he gently pushed me away from the door.


I tried to peak around Mr. Brown to see who it was.  It was Ms. Green!  I was so excited!  I made as much noise as I could make and ran to her. 


I jumped up and down, until Ms. Green said, “Easy boy… down boy, down!”  I just couldn’t help myself.


Ms. Green patted my head and scratched my ears.  It felt so good it made my leg shake!


“Come on in!  I’ve been expecting you.” I heard Mr. Brown say.  Ms. Green came in, and I followed as close as I could.  They both sat on the couch, and I returned to my favorite spot on the floor, as happy as I could be.










Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     In the above passage, who is the narrator?

a.      a cat

b.      a dog

c.      Ms. Green

d.      Mr. Brown


2)     The phrase, “Ding-Dong!” is an example of which of the following?

a.      onomatopoeia

b.      simile

c.      metaphor

d.      allusion


3)     The phrase, “…ran as fast as lightning” is an example of which of the following?

a.      onomatopoeia

b.      simile

c.      metaphor

d.      allusion


1)     Which of the following best describes the mood of the narrator when the visitor arrives in the above passage?

a.      tired

b.      anxious

c.      depressed

d.      thrilled


2)     The narrator has quite a reaction to the events in the story.  Which of the following best describes these events?

a.      very odd

b.      very ordinary

c.      very unusual

d.      very mysterious


Answer Key

1)     In the above passage, who is the narrator?

a.      a cat

b.     a dog

c.      Ms. Green

d.      Mr. Brown


2)     The phrase, “Ding-Dong!” is an example of which of the following?

a.      onomatopoeia

b.      simile

c.      metaphor

d.      allusion


3)     The phrase, “…ran as fast as lightning” is an example of which of the following?

a.      onomatopoeia

b.     simile

c.      metaphor

d.      allusion


4)     Which of the following best describes the mood of the narrator when the visitor arrives in the above passage?

a.      tired

b.      anxious

c.      depressed

d.     thrilled


5)     The narrator has quite a reaction to the events in the story.  Which of the following best describes these events?

a.      very odd

b.     very ordinary

c.      very unusual

d.      very mysterious