The Airplane


          The airplane was going down.  Smoke was everywhere, and the fire heated the plane like an oven.


          Ken Tyson should have been scared.  He should have been crying and shaking in a corner.  But he just smiled.  "It's just one of those days," he said to himself with a bit of a chuckle.


          Ken grabbed the parachute and slipped it on as he pried the emergency door.  "It's a good day to fly!" he shouted as he jumped out of the plane.


          Once again, Ken Tyson had stared danger in the face and lived to tell the tale.




Reading Comprehension Questions

1)     The scene above most likely appears in which part of a story?

a.      the title page

b.      the plot summary

c.      the acknowledgement

d.      the climax


2)     The passage above fits best into which genre?

a.      western

b.      adventure

c.      science fiction

d.      tragedy


3)     Which of these words best describes Ken Tyson in the above passage?

a.      childish

b.      scared

c.      hesitant

d.      fearless


4)     Based on the context, what is the meaning of the word “pried” in the above passage?

a.      looked through

b.      forced open

c.      slammed shut

d.      locked tight


5)     The phrase, “the fire heated the place like an oven”, can best be described as which of the following?

a.      simile

b.      mixed metaphor

c.      propaganda

d.      understatement

Answer Key

1)     The scene above most likely appears in which part of a story?

a.      the title page

b.      the plot summary

c.      the acknowledgement

d.     the climax


2)     The passage above fits best into which genre?

a.      western

b.     adventure

c.      science fiction

d.      tragedy


3)     Which of these words best describes Ken Tyson in the above passage?

a.      childish

b.      scared

c.      hesitant

d.     fearless


4)     Based on the context, what is the meaning of the word “pried” in the above passage?

a.      looked through

b.     forced open

c.      slammed shut

d.      locked tight


5)     The phrase, “the fire heated the place like an oven”, can best be described as which of the following?

a.      simile

b.      mixed metaphor

c.      propaganda

d.      understatement