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Comprehension questions for above image:


1.       According to the information provided, how are most wildfires started?

a.       human carelessness

b.      a burning cigarette

c.       the sun and dry ground

d.      farmers set on purpose


2.       What is the average number of wildfires recorded each year?

a.       20,000

b.      90,000

c.       80,000

d.      100,000


3. What can you infer may happen to the ground after a wildfire stops and a rain comes?

                a.  the ground will get flooded

                b. the ground will erode with nothing to hold it down

                c. the ground will blow away like dust

                d.  the ground will grow again



4.  What is the purpose behind this article?

                a.  to inform the public about wildfires

                b.  to inform teachers and students  about wildfires and prevention

                c.  to inform parents about preventing wildfires

                d.  to inform park rangers about wildfires



5.   If a teacher or student is interested in more information, where can they go to find it?

                a.  the encyclopedia

                b.  the thesaurus

                c.  the internet sites listed

                d.  the park rangers office



1.       According to the information provided, how are most wildfires started?

a.       human carelessness

b.      a burning cigarette

c.       the sun and dry ground

d.      farmers set on purpose


2.       What is the average number of wildfires recorded each year?

e.      20,000

f.        90,000

g.       80,000

h.      100,000


3. What can you infer may happen to the ground after a wildfire stops and a rain comes?

                a.  the ground will get flooded

                b. the ground will erode with nothing to hold it down

                c. the ground will blow away like dust

                d.  the ground will grow again



4.  What is the purpose behind this article?

                a.  to inform the public about wildfires

                b.  to inform teachers and students  about wildfires and prevention

                c.  to inform parents about preventing wildfires

                d.  to inform park rangers about wildfires



5.   If a teacher or student is interested in more information, where can they go to find it?

                a.  the encyclopedia

                b.  the thesaurus

                c.  the internet sites listed

                d.  the park rangers office