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Comprehension questions for above image:


  1. Why is it important for schools to have a plan for tornado safety?
    1. Students need to remain safe even if there is a tornado.
    2. Students need to be responsible for their own safety.
    3. Students need to know to not take a warning seriously.
    4. Students need to know what a tornado is.


  1.  How can you best describe the “safe” position illustrated for students during a tornado?
    1. Sitting at desk with head down
    2. Underneath the desks, hands over head
    3. Underneath the tables, sitting cross legged
    4. In the hallways standing


  1.  What is a conclusion you can make regarding having a safety plan?
    1. All institutions should have one
    2. Only schools need one
    3. Only homes need one
    4. All buildings should have one


  1.  Where might you find this poster displayed?
    1. in an office building
    2. in a hospital
    3. in a school
    4. in a bank


  1.  What is the author’s purpose in this poster?
    1. To inform the public of a tornado safety plan
    2. To inform schools how to stay tornado safe
    3. To inform hospitals how to stay safe
    4. To persuade people to buy tornado radios



  1. Why is it important for schools to have a plan for tornado safety?
    1. Students need to remain safe even if there is a tornado.
    2. Students need to be responsible for their own safety.
    3. Students need to know to not take a warning seriously.
    4. Students need to know what a tornado is.


  1.  How can you best describe the “safe” position illustrated for students during a tornado?
    1. Sitting at desk with head down
    2. Underneath the desks, hands over head
    3. Underneath the tables, sitting cross legged
    4. In the hallways standing


  1.  What is a conclusion you can make regarding having a safety plan?
    1. All institutions should have one
    2. Only schools need one
    3. Only homes need one
    4. All buildings should have one


  1.  Where might you find this poster displayed?
    1. in an office building
    2. in a hospital
    3. in a school
    4. in a bank


  1.  What is the author’s purpose in this poster?
    1. To inform the public of a tornado safety plan
    2. To inform schools how to stay tornado safe
    3. To inform hospitals how to stay safe
    4. To persuade people to buy tornado radios