Healthy Vision


1.        What is the author’s purpose in making this poster?

a.       To prevent adults from losing their eyesight

b.      To protect children’s eyesight

c.       To teach people about eyesight

d.      To give doctors news about eyesight


2.       Who is the target audience for this poster?

a.       teachers

b.      children

c.       eye doctors

d.      nurses


3.        Where might you find this poster displayed?

a.       in a school nurses office

b.      in a doctors office

c.       in the home

d.      in the hallways


4.        How far away is “safe” when you are looking at a computer screen?

a.       15 inches

b.      20 inches

c.       24 inches

d.      10 inches


5.       What type of animal can see colors that humans cannot?

a.       chameleons

b.      owls

c.       dogs

d.      fish


1.       What is the author’s purpose in making this poster?

a.       To prevent adults from losing their eyesight

b.      To protect children’s eyesight

c.       To teach people about eyesight

d.      To give doctors news about eyesight


2.       Who is the target audience for this poster?

a.       teachers

b.      children

c.       eye doctors

d.      nurses


3.        Where might you find this poster displayed?

a.       in a school nurses office

b.      in a doctors office

c.       in the home

d.      in the hallways


4.        How far away is “safe” when you are looking at a computer screen?

a.       15 inches

b.      20 inches

c.       24 inches

d.      10 inches


5.       What type of animal can see colors that humans cannot?

a.       chameleons

b.      owls

c.       dogs

d.      fish