Click here to view image #1



Click here to view image #2



Comprehension questions for the above image:


1.     What do the labels on the map provide information about?

a.    ways and places to clean up hazardous waste

b.    how to conserve water

c.    recycling groundwater

d.    freshwater and groundwater sources


2.     What organization created this poster?

a.    NWS

b.    USGS

c.    USAG

d.    NMS


3.     Which poster is this out of the selections in the poster series?

a.    Wastewater treatment

b.    Hazardous waste

c.    Water quality

d.    Watersheds


4.     What do the activities on the back help students to do?

a.    Understand the damage hazardous waste has

b.    Understand how to clean up hazardous waste

c.    Conserve and recycle water

d.    Where watersheds are located


5.     Who is the target audience for these activities?

a.    students

b.    teachers

c.    guides

d.    government


1.    What do the labels on the map provide information about?

a.    ways and places to clean up hazardous waste

b.    how to conserve water

c.    recycling groundwater

d.    freshwater and groundwater sources


2.     What organization created this poster?

a.    NWS

b.    USGS

c.    USAG

d.    NMS


3.     Which poster is this out of the selections in the poster series?

a.    Wastewater treatment

b.    Hazardous waste

c.    Water quality

d.    Watersheds


4.     What do the activities on the back help students to do?

a.    Understand the damage hazardous waste has

b.    Understand how to clean up hazardous waste

c.    Conserve and recycle water

d.    Where watersheds are located


5.     Who is the target audience for these activities?

a.    students

b.    teachers

c.    guides

d.    government