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Comprehension Questions for above image:

1.      The poster can best be described as which of the following?

    1. a public service announcement
    2. an advertisement
    3. a warning notice
    4. a propaganda flyer


2.       This chart was created to inspire readers to do which of the following?

    1. use hand sanitizer in their homes
    2. raise awareness about how germs are spread
    3. stop touching animals to spread germs
    4. stop washing their hands


3.       Based on the information on the chart, what is one thing we can all do to help combat the spread of germs?

    1. wash our hands
    2. eat healthier food
    3. touch animals
    4. lecture more people


4.       The chart was created for which of the following audiences?

    1. science teachers
    2. college students
    3. the general public
    4. vegetable farmers



1.      The poster can best be described as which of the following?

    1. a public service announcement
    2. an advertisement
    3. a warning notice
    4. a propaganda flyer


2.       This chart was created to inspire readers to do which of the following?

    1. use hand sanitizer in their homes
    2. raise awareness about how germs are spread
    3. stop touching animals to spread germs
    4. stop washing their hands


3.       Based on the information on the chart, what is one thing we can all do to help combat the spread of germs?

    1. wash our hands
    2. eat healthier food
    3. touch animals
    4. lecture more people


4.       The chart was created for which of the following audiences?

    1. science teachers
    2. college students
    3. the general public
    4. vegetable farmers