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Comprehension Questions for above image:

  1. After reading this advertisement, what is one inference you can make based on the information provided?
    1. there is a need to conserve water
    2. there is an abundance of water
    3. planting a garden is hard work
    4. there is no limit to the plants that will grow in a garden


  1.  According to the advertisement, how often should you water plants in the summer?
    1. only if needed
    2. 1-2 days a week
    3. 2-3 days a week
    4. 5 times a week


  1.  Based on the information provided, why is watering in the dusk and dawn hours best?
    1. during the afternoon it is too dry
    2. during the afternoon it is too hot and windy
    3. during the afternoon there are thunderstorms
    4. during the afternoon the plants don’t respond


  1.  What should you place over the soil to ensure that water stays in the soil rather than evaporate?
    1. a blanket
    2. a layer of clay
    3. a layer of mulch
    4. compost


  1.  According to the poster, what is the usual result of a leaky or broken sprinkler?
    1. too much water is wasted
    2. not enough water is distributed
    3. the water is tainted
    4. the water evaporates too quickly





  1. After reading this advertisement, what is one inference you can make based on the information provided?
    1. there is a need to conserve water
    2. there is an abundance of water
    3. planting a garden is hard work
    4. there is no limit to the plants that will grow in a garden


  1.  According to the advertisement, how often should you water plants in the summer?
    1. only if needed
    2. 1-2 days a week
    3. 2-3 days a week
    4. 5 times a week


  1.  Based on the information provided,  why is watering in the dusk and dawn hours best?
    1. during the afternoon it is too dry
    2. during the afternoon it is too hot and windy
    3. during the afternoon there are thunderstorms
    4. during the afternoon the plants don’t respond


  1.  What should you place over the soil to ensure that water stays in the soil rather than evaporate?
    1. a blanket
    2. a layer of clay
    3. a layer of mulch
    4. compost


  1.  What happens if you have a broken sprinkler?
    1. too much water is wasted
    2. not enough water is distributed
    3. the water is tainted
    4. the water evaporates too quickly